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CEDOS are happy to publish our recent research into future skills requirements and recruitment challenges within the economic development profession.  We have worked with a range of English Local Authorities across upper, lower and Unitary tiers to compile a comprehensive overview of some of the structures that Local Government Economic Development works within, some of

Chairman’s Statement I hope all is well amongst the CEDOS family and you all had a good Easter break and didn’t overdose on chocolate eggs.  This quarter has seen another CEDOS stalwart leave the fold in Mark Pembleton of Portsmouth City Council.  We all wish Mark the best of luck for the future and I would

The Queen’s Speech on 11th May officially reopened Parliament, with a proposed legislative programme that includes a Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, which will be of clear importance to the economic development profession. The bill will place a duty on Government to set a levelling up mission statement and then produce an annual report updating the

Message from the Treasurer Hello and welcome to the first CEDOS Newsletter of 2022. I imagine for all of you mince pies are now a distant memory and the focus is firmly on the job in hand. I have always found February to be a month of hope and optimism. This is the month the commute

Today (2nd February) has seen the launch of the Levelling Up White Paper by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.  The Levelling Up White Paper will have major implications for the economic development profession over the remainder of the parliament and beyond.  To deliver on Levelling Up, the Government have recognised the need

CEDOS held our annual AGM today, following on from our regular Lunch and Learn session.  We would like to thank James Blagden of Onward and David King of the Cities and Local Growth Unit for providing a stimulating session on Levelling Up.  A copy of James' slides are available here. We would also like to welcome

Message from the CEDOS Chair November 26th sees our Annual General Meeting, once again to be held online.  We are really privileged this year to have two high quality keynote speakers for the event, David King, Director of Regeneration at the Cities and Local Growth Unit and James Blagden, Senior Researcher and Levelling Up lead at the Onward