We aim to share knowledge and good practice, engage with senior decision makers and sector experts and influence economic development policy.
We do this by:
- Hosting six annual Lunch and Learn topic based information sessions
- Hosting Q&A sessions with senior government decision makers, academics and other professional experts
- Partnering and networking Local Authorities to share knowledge and intelligence
- Six informative membership newsletters, sharing the latest economic development news, policies and research
- Commissioning economic development research into specific areas of policy and practice as identified by our membership
- Working with members to support active training, development and recruitment practices within the profession
- Enabling CEDOS member networking to support dissemination of good practice and learning
- Sharing economic news, policies and research
- Responding with a collective CEDOS voice to national consultations and calls for evidence
- Using our members’ collective expertise to influence and inform national economic development policy
Membership is open to all public sector senior economic development practitioners and is based on a single organisational membership fee rather than an individual subscription. This means all members of your staff team can benefit from CEDOS membership.
Network with fellow
senior Economic Development professionals
CEDOS meets quarterly to discuss key economic development issues and share knowledge and experience. Meetings provide our members with an opportunity to hear from, and discuss with, senior decision makers from relevant government departments and other sector experts. Our meetings conclude with a valuable roundtable discussion of issues/challenges facing our members across the country.

RSA Inclusive Growth Commission – evidence from the Chief Economic Development Officers Society (CEDOS)
We welcome the establishment by the RSA of the Inclusive Growth Commission. As a professional society, whose membership includes local authorities and local enterprise partnerships from all parts of England – city and county; urban and rural, inclusive growth is
House of Commons International Trade Committee Inquiry into support for exports and investment
HM Government Building our Industrial Strategy Green Paper consultation
We welcome the Government’s consultation on the Green Paper Building our Industrial Strategy. We are pleased to submit our response, for which we have taken soundings with our members across the country.